The Tribe Wiki

"I know sometimes this world seems just too tough and you wanna give up, but if we do that we're giving up on our friends. We're all they've got, us and our hope." - Salene [1]

Salene is one of the original Mall Rats.

She is the "mother" type figure in the Mall Rats. Looking after the "little ones" in the tribe; Cloe, Patsy, Paul, Mouse, Charlie, Sammy and Brady. Salene initially started out as a person who struggles with low self-esteem and depression. It resulted in Bulimia but she is saved by the caring Ryan, whom she marries.

When The Chosen take over the City, Salene is brainwashed into joining them as she is afraid for her unborn child's safety. Evenutally Ryan is taken away and Salene suffers a miscarriage after accidentally falling down the stairs. Very unhappy and confused, she attempts suicide but is stopped by some of the Mall Rats.

After Bray's abduction, Salene rises to lead the Mall Rats against the Technos. She becomes engaged to Pride but he is tragically killed by the Techno, Wizard. Salene once again falls into depression and then alcoholism, but overcomes her grief and loss with May's help.


Salene has a strong nurturing instinct and makes a difference by engaging with others and by caring for them and giving advice.

Salene struggles with low self-esteem and depression, which eventually results in bulimia and alcoholism. Salene gives a lot of support and care but also requires compassion herself.

As time goes by, Salene learns to become more independent and self-reliant and she will rise to prominence among the leadership first of the Mall Rats; and eventually the entire city.


Series 1[]


Salene and Bray kiss

Salene is a gentle mother figure within the Mall Rats. When we first meet her, she is caring for Patsy, Paul and Cloe within the city. The children see her as the mother figure and always bring their problems to her. She has a deep attraction to Bray. But although the two share a kiss it isn't to last, this however leaves Salene broken, causing her emotions and depression of what has happened to the fore. To her, the only way of coping is to eat, which makes her feel guilty, and she makes herself sick. She hides her bulimia from the others, and puts on a brave face, helping to take care of Trudy and the baby when Trudy is sick. Trudy however, herself going through a rapid state of emotions, turns her aggression towards Salene and the two go through a bitter start to their relationship.

When the tribe realize food is going missing, Salene starts going into the city in search of food, she ends up at the docks, where a woman named Roanne offers her food, but eventually Salene cannot repay her. Roanne however has other plans for her to pay, and locks Salene in a cell, hoping to pimp her off to the next caller. Thankfully for Salene, it is Ryan who happens along at the docks and he gets her out of the bad situation. As they hide out from Roanne and her crew, Salene confesses everything to Ryan and learns he'd planned on leaving the Mall Rats himself. The two make a pact to stand by each other and return to the mall.

Series 2[]

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Salene marries Ryan

She and Ryan continue to build on their relationship. Salene also sets up classes for the younger city kids, wishing them to learn how to read and write. However she still has strong feelings for Bray and these cloud her feelings for Ryan, she is unsure whether she loves him or not. Salene leaves the Mall Rats to figure things out for herself and happens across May who informs her that she suspects Salene is pregnant.

When Trudy returns to the mall after going missing, Salene is slightly hurt when Patsy spends more time with her, especially as it neglects Cloe in the process. However she stays strong for Cloe and between them the three stick together. Ryan asks Salene to marry him and she agrees and they marry in a double wedding ceremony alongside Tai San and Lex. Salene is afraid to tell Ryan that she is pregnant thinking he will suspect the only reason she married him was because of the baby.

Series 3[]

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Salene takes care of Apollo

As the Chosen overtake the mall, Salene is concerned for the baby when they are prevented from eating. May persuades her to join the Chosen in pretense, for the babies sake, but in her emotional state and weakness, Salene falls for the brainwashing techniques the Chosen use and becomes one of them, much to Ryan's anger. Ryan is taken away and Salene is distraught, in an argument with Alice she runs up the mall steps but falls at the top and falls down them causing her to lose the baby and pushing her further into a deeply depressive state.

When the Chosen are eventually defeated by the rebels and things start to return back to normal, the Mall Rats give her a hard time about going along with the Chosen. Salene feels ostracised within the group and keeps to herself. Eventually the side comments and remarks and own self-deprecation, Salene goes to the roof with intent to kill herself by throwing herself from it. Bray and Trudy tries to coax her from the edge, but it is only when Tally comes to the roof with Brady that they are able to get her from the edge. She starts the slow road back to recovery. Salene helps to tame KC's new horse Apollo, who was abused by it's former tribe. Bray discovers and reveals to her that a tribe called the Horse Traders had met Ryan in the mines. Wanting to make amends, Salene leaves the mall with Apollo to try and find Ryan.

Series 4[]

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Salene falls for Pride

When Salene returns to the mall, she encounters the seemingly mute Mouse and Charlie, but also discovers that the Technos have taken over the city. Her time away has had a positive effect on her. Though she did not manage to find Ryan, Salene is now a lot stronger and self assured – making her opinion known. With Amber giving birth and hiding within the Gaians, Salene steps up and becomes a leader in her own right.

During this time her relationship with Cloe becomes very strained. Salene doesn’t like the choices that Cloe is making, but this only makes the teenager act out even more. This isn’t helped by the fact that Salene and Pride’s relationship is something that Cloe had wanted for herself. Cloe however soon finds love within the Technos in Ved, further straining her relationship with Salene. However, Salene and Pride go from strength to strength. Salene helps lead the tribe in the overthrow of Ram, but this brings its own problems.

Series 5[]

Sals5 (31)

Salene develops an addiction to Alcohol

In the aftermath of Ram’s rule, Mega takes over the city and begins to implement his own secret agenda. She is eventually captured by Wizard and Stats, who hold her hostage. Due to Salene’s relationship with Pride, May helps them keep Salene hidden away, somehow hoping that she will be able to get back Pride. May’s deviousness only ends up in Pride’s death, whose last words were: "Tell Salene I love her." Salene is completely distraught at the loss of Pride, and when May lies about Pride's last words, it sends her back into a depressive spiral.

Returning to drinking, Salene hides her vice from the tribe, but the others begin to see what she is doing. Mouse reaches out to her and eventually makes a break through. Wanting to start anew, Salene heads to the Gaians, but realises that she can’t leave the Mall Rats, her family. Returning without Mouse, Salene is bashed up by some kids who blame the Mall Rats for the city's state. She is found by May and is taken care of.

After May confesses she had lied to Salene about Pride's last words, Salene chooses to forgive her. In their grief, they shared a kiss but nothing becomes of it. Though Salene makes it clear that she is not interested in her like that, the two continue to be close friends. When the Virus Mark II is released, Salene flees with the Mall Rats on the boat for a new beginning.

The Tribe: A New World[]

On the small confines of the trawler, Salene is charged with the difficult task of keeping an eye on the hysterical Trudy, as well as aiding in keeping the peace and looking after the younger tribe members. Salene however, takes all these issues in her stride, and continues to look out for her friends in the aftermath of the crashed cargo ship. When May loses Zak, Salene watches over her in her depression.

Throughout this time, Darryl attempts to make a connection with Salene, believing that they are the next natural match amongst the Mall Rats, but Salene is simply not interested. She even grows angry with Darryl when he attempts to feign unconsciousness on the beach in order to steal a kiss from her.

However, after the events unfold concerning the Legion, Salene begins to marvel at Darryl, especially his energy, charm, and humor. She begins to realise that there might be more to him than she initially gave him credit for. She is now determined to open up and uncover more about him.

The Tribe: A New Dawn[]

As the Mall Rats are still attempting to deal with events since arriving at the island, Salene comes to the realisation that May is struggling with her old depression. May had opened up to her about her clinical diagnosis back before the virus hit, but everything that she has been through recently is triggering it all over again. Salene is determined to stick close to her friend and watch over her, promising to see her through this.

But what Salene doesn’t realise is that May’s depression has multi-sources … and it all comes back to her feelings towards her. Though Salene initially believed that May had gotten over her apparent ‘crush’ when she had gotten together with Zak, it seems that this isn’t the case at all, as she discovers when May finally reveals to her the truth.

But though May expects to be given the cold shoulder once more, she is shocked to discover that Salene does feel the same way about her, she just did not want to admit it about herself. The two become a couple, with all the Mall Rats banding around them in support, including Lex.

The Tribe: (R)Evolution[]


Series 1[]

Series 2[]

Series 3[]

Series 4[]

Series 5[]


  • Salene's Parents S5

    Salene's Parents

    During the show's pre-production, Salene was initially envisioned as a brown girl while Cloe was a white girl, which is why Meryl Cassie (Ebony) originally auditioned for the former. However, Cloud 9 swapped the characters' ethnicity for the final. [2]
  • Victoria Spence had originally auditioned for the role of Trudy before being offered the role of Salene. [3]
  • Salene appears to have a troubled childhood as her father left her when she was 5 and her mother used to constantly call her 'stupid Salene'. [4] The lack of a father figure may have been a contributing factor to her long term feelings for Bray, who could be seen as the 'father' of the tribe.
  • Salene is good with horses, having won prizes prior to the virus. She managed to ride KC's horse Apollo despite Pride deeming him 'unrideable'. [5]
  • Salene is one of seven characters to appear in all five seasons of the show. The others being Lex, Ebony, Trudy, Jack, Brady, and Zoot.
  • Salene is one of the four characters on the show to have attempted suicide. The others being Trudy, Ryan and Ellie.
  • Salene is one of the four characters where both her parents were seen via flashback/photo. The others are Trudy, Dal and Ram. Although Bray and Danni's fathers were seen, their mothers weren't.
  • Salene was voted by fans as 6th Best Heroine in a 2015 poll. [6]

